As promised, photos of the hand-stitched leather chef knife bag I recently shipped. Take a look!
This is my standard Cyclist Sling-Style Backpack in Saddle Tan Leather. It holds up to three flat tools/knives and has a small pouch with just enough space to hold a piece of clothing, bike supplies or your wallet and keys. The knife roll portion of the bag is made from Mushroom Wool Felt, which both protects you and your tools and holds your tools securely in place while the bag is in use.
As a cross-body sling style, you can tighten the adjustable strap to fit closely to your body and still be able to easily slip the bag on and off without fiddling with the strap length. The bag comfortably fits close to your body so that it doesn't move about while you are riding or walking. The shoulder strap standard length will fit almost any body type, but is also easily cut and finished to a custom length should you prefer.
Like all of my leather bags, this bag was completely handmade from start to finish. It was hand-cut, hand-stitched with natural linen thread, both for quality and durability and then hand finished with hardware and leather conditioner. Each of the four styles I offer has a similar look and feel to this bag, but the choice of leather will change the character. This one is made from my softest and thinnest leather so the shape and texture of the bag reflect that. Along with some of my other styles, I will shortly have ready to ship Cyclist bags in other leather options added to the wool felt selections already in my Etsy shop. I can also make this bag from any of the 3mm thick Wool Felts I have.
This style and order were both arranged through a series of conversations on Etsy. A huge THANK YOU goes out to the recipient of this bag. I very much appreciate your support and I hope that you enjoy using your new bag as much as I enjoyed the challenge of designing and making it. If you would like to preorder a bag or arrange a custom order, please contact me. I would love to work with you as well!
The quality leather chef knife roll displayed in the post is absolutely fantastic one. This chef is really completely handsome from start to finish. One would definitely love to have one such roll in their life. Thanks lot for sharing the post.